Our Story

The U.S generates 268 million tons of trash yearly (about 4.5 pounds per person per day). Of this waste, 28% of the food and yard clippings can be composted and used in gardens and planting areas. Another 25% such as paper, aluminum and even some plastics can be recycled into other paper products, composite decking and other aluminum products.

One acre of hemp produces twice as much oil as one acre of peanuts, and nearly four times as much fiber pulp (for paper) as an acre of trees. Hemp paper is naturally acid-free and does not yellow as quickly as tree pulp-based paper. Hemp is able to be harvested in 4 months as opposed to trees for pulp wood which require 20 years.

Bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel and some varieties mature in 5 to 7 years.

Sand is the second most consumed resource, and all sand is not the same. The sand needed for construction and glass containers is often mined from beaches. This contributes to coastal erosion.

Recycled glass bottles can be used to make more sand which though not a replacement for construction purposes, it can be used to refill our eroding beaches.

We all can make a difference by simply being better consumers. If biodegradables and earth friendly products increase their sales footprint then more companies will carry or produce them these products. Companies go where the money is and it doesn’t take major protests or even legislation to turn this around. Their job is to provide what the consumer wants and by doing this, they make money. It’s a win-win situation and it starts with you.